Sometimes it happens to me that I feel frustratred when my team hasn't done I would have done in their place. It's so obvious to me... And I get angry at them and at myself. But it is all wrong! If you want to coach them, make sure you teach them on how to take action when you are not there. Dob't tell them what to do but how and why. If they fail it will always my responsability: I was not good enough to show them the way.
Discursos inspiracionales y motivacionales (motivational and inspirational speeches) es un blogg que pretende demostrar que dependiendo de cómo decimos las cosas, con qué actitud y con qué pasión, podemos transmitir un mensaje muy potente e inspiracional para motivar a la audiencia y hacerles afrontar su futuro de una forma mas positiva. Me gusta compartir todo lo que he aprendido.